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Tuesday 11 August 2015


XI - Mathematics: First Term Project Work : 2015-16

Student can select any one of the following to make the project and submit latest by 31 - 08 - 2015 .

1. Prepare a power point presentation on SETS.

2. Prepare a power point presentation on RELATIONS and FUNCTIONS

3. Prepare a power point presentation on TRIGONOMETRY.

4. Make a  mathematical model on relations and functions.

5. Make a mathematical model on Trigonometry.

6. Prepare a chart of trigonometric curves like sinx , cosx etc.

7. Prepare a chart of Trigonometric Formulae.

8. Make an album on Mathematicians who discovered Sets, Relations and Functions.

9. Make an album on Mathematicians who discovered Trigonometry.

10. Prepare a chart on sets, relations and functions.


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